cunning as a shithouse rat

cunning as a shithouse rat
очень хитрый, изворотливый, пронырливый, коварный, продувной (человек)

English-Russian australian expression. 2014.

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Смотреть что такое "cunning as a shithouse rat" в других словарях:

  • Cunning as a shithouse rat — very cunning and underhanded …   Dictionary of Australian slang

  • cunning as a shithouse rat — Australian Slang very cunning and underhanded …   English dialects glossary

  • shithouse — /ˈʃɪthaʊs / (say shithows) Colloquial (taboo) –noun Also, shouse. 1. a toilet. –adjective 2. disgusting; unpleasant: a shithouse remark. 3. extremely incompetent: a shithouse driver. 4. of extremely poor quality: a shithouse play. 5.… …  

  • cunning — /ˈkʌnɪŋ / (say kuning) noun 1. ability; skill; expertness. 2. skill employed in a crafty manner; skilfulness in deceiving; craftiness; guile. –adjective 3. exhibiting or wrought with ingenuity. 4. artfully subtle or shrewd; crafty; sly. 5.… …  

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